Transaction monitoring (KYT)

Once a transaction is added to a MarketGuard database, it is automatically checked against a number of parameters

Once a transaction is loaded and linked to a client, a transaction is processed by the KYT module. The module fetches the client and transaction details and marks the transaction with a risk flag. If a transaction or a group of transactions receives a high-risk flag, it will be included in a KYT case. In GUI, these cases are shown separately in Cases.

Currently, the following checks are set up for high-risk identification:

  1. Daily volume limit

    1. The transactions from 0:00 UTC are taken into account.

    2. The threshold value is compared with the maximum of deposits cumulative volume and withdrawals cumulative volume.

  2. 30d volume limit

    1. The transactions for the last rolling 30 days are considered, excluding transactions from the previous 30d limit cases.

    2. The threshold value is compared with the maximum of deposits cumulative volume and withdrawals cumulative volume.

    3. The minimum number of transactions to trigger the 30d limit is two.

    4. Only the last transaction in a group of transactions has the high-risk status.

  3. Score of a blockchain transaction

    1. KYT score is calculated based on the 3rd party provider of blockchain scoring.

    2. The score ranges from 0 to 100, where 100 means that a transaction has no suspicious origins.

    3. KYT case by default is triggered with scores from 0 to 40.

  4. Country risk

    1. The case is created if the country of incorporation of a client is in the high-risk country list.

  5. Payment country

    1. The case is created if the country of incorporation of a client's banking or payment institution is in the high-risk country list.

    2. For a blockchain transaction, the payment country is the country of incorporation of a client.

Last updated