Adding a transaction manually via CSV

You can add a transaction to MarketGuard manually uploading a CSV file

If your bank, brokerage or custodian account is not supported by MarketGuard, you can manually add transactions from such an account to MarketGuard. To this end, you need to do the following:

  1. download transactions from such an account

  2. convert the downloaded data to the format supported by MarketGuard (MS Excel or Google Sheets can help you with that; please use a CSV template which is available here: Transactions > Add a transaction > Import from a CSV file)

  3. upload a CSV file to your MG workspace.

Breaking down the CSV file

You will need to fill in the following fields:

sender_accounts - obligatory - one or several blockchain addresses involved in a transaction or the accounts of a sender

recipient_accounts - obligatory - one or several blockchain addresses involved in a transaction or the accounts of a recipient

direction - obligatory - direction of the transaction (it can be either incoming or outgoing); it might be important when there is a transaction between your own accounts

network - obligatory - network of the transaction (e.g., Ethereum, Arbitrum or SEPA)

currency - obligatory - currency of the transaction (e.g., EUR or BTC)

format - optional - the format of network and currency naming; leave it blank for MarketGuard format; alternatively, you can specify one of the supported venues: copper, fireblocks, kraken, clearjunction, and scorechain; for example, you can indicate currency = XBT and specify format = kraken, and the system will automatically convert XBT into BTC.

amount - obligatory - the quantity of the transaction (e.g., 1000.99)

tx_hash - obligatory - blockchain transaction hash (obligatory only for crypto transactions)

transferred_at - obligatory - date and time of the transaction (e.g., 2024-08-13T17:21:00.000Z)

external_id - optional - transaction ID; as defined on an external venue

venue_name - optional - the name of the external venue such as the name of a bank, custodian, broker etc.

venue_account_id - optional - account ID where the transaction took place; as defined on an external venue

venue_transaction_id - optional - transaction ID; as defined on an external venue

Last updated